The Conservative Party
- The Conservative Party
- Young Conservatives (YC is the movement for under 25s)
- Welsh Conservatives
- Conservative Councillors’ Association
- Conservative Disability Group
- Conservative Policy Forum
- Conservative Women’s Organisation
- Conservatives Abroad
- Monmouth Conservative Association
Monmouthshire County Council
- Aneurin Bevan Health Board
- Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales
- Countryside Council for Wales
- GOV.UK (Government services and information)
- Gwent Police
- Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner
- Local Weather (BBC)
- Monmouthshire Village Halls
- South Wales Fire & Rescue Service
- Welsh Ambulance Service
National Politics
News & Media
- Abergavenny Chronicle
- BBC Democracy Live
- BBC Wales
- Monmouthshire Beacon
- South Wales Argus
- Wales Online